All preview videos and the streaming version of the Online Musical Salon will be available via my YouTube channel I will publish the exact links here shortly before each event, the access to the conference software for active participation can be requested via email and will be in the chat during the YouTube-stream.
As guest Hyesu Shin, will talk about the dialectics of own and foreign.
Gráinne Mulvey will talk about her approach to composing and her new piece.
As a guest, the literary scholar Christoph Grube will speak about Celans poem Cello-Einsatz in the context of his poetics.
As guest Arturas Bumšteinas will talk about his approach to composing and his new piece.
As guest Ludmila Yurina will talk about her approach to composing and Irrlicht.
As guest Liisa Hirsch will talk about her approach to composing and her new piece.