All preview videos and the streaming version of the Online Musical Salon will be available via my YouTube channel I will publish the exact links here shortly before each event, the access to the conference software for active participation can be requested via email and will be in the chat during the YouTube-stream.
As guest Jost Halfmann, who told something about Lachenmann and alternative worlds.
The stream is still available at
Composer Gilberto Agostinho was a guest and reported on algorithmic composition.
The stream is still available at
As a guest, Wolfgang Bosse reflected on the usefulness and effect of determinism in art.
For the mathematical background of the piece, here's a text.
The stream is still available at
Composer Ian Wilson is present and talks about his new piece, which will be premiered during the Musikalischer Online Salon. The scheduled concert with the piece had to be cancelled because of Corona.
As a guest, the literary scholar Christoph Grube will speak about the musicality in Celan's poetry.
Guest Charlotte Seither will talk about her composing and "krü".